INT 15h Function CBh

"95/500/720 Info Panel"

Registers at call
Return Registers
Supported Models

Registers at call:
    AH = CBh
    AL = Control Flag:
                   0: Insert (Model 95, Server 500, & Server 720)
                   1: Replace (Model 95, Server 500, & Server 720)
                   2: Repeat (720 only)
    BH = ASCII Value to Display:
                   20h - 5Fh on Model 95 & Server 500
                   20h - 7Ah on Server 720
    BL = Display Position:
                   0h to 7h is left to right character position on Model 95 & Server 500
                   0h to Fh is left to right character position, top line on Server 720

Return Registers:
    CF set on error
    AH = Error Code:
                   01h: BL (Display Position) out of range:
                                    8h - FFh on Model 95 & Server 500
                               or 10h - FFh on Server 720
                   02h: BH (ASCII Value to Display) out of range:
                                    0h - 19h or 60h - FFh on Model 95, Server 500
                               or 0h - 19h or 7Bh - FFh on Server 720
                   03h: Control Failure (Insert and position not empty/Replace and position not full)
                   86h: Call not supported

    CF clear if successful
    AH = 00h

Notes: "Get Configuration" INT 15h, AH=C0h should be done first, so that Feature Byte 3, Bit 2 can be checked to make sure the system has an Info Panel installed (see below for supported models)

Supported Models:
    Model 95
    Server 500
    Server 720

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