Interrupt 15h Index
INT 15h Function 04h "Build ABIOS System Parameter Table"
INT 15h Function 05h "Build ABIOS Initialization Table"
INT 15h Function 22h "Locate ROM BASIC"
INT 15h Function 24h A20 Gate Support Functions
Subfunction 00h "Disable A20 Gate"
Subfunction 01h "Enable A20 Gate"
Subfunction 02h "Get A20 Gate Status"
Subfunction 03h "Query A20 Gate Support"
INT 15h, Function 5101h "Expansion Unit, Return Configuration Number"
INT 15h Function C0h "Get Configuration"
INT 15h Function C1h "Return Extend BIOS Data Area (EDBA) Segment Address"
INT 15h Function C2h, Pointing Device BIOS Interface Functions
INT 15h Function C3h "Enable/Disable Watchdog Timeout"
INT 15h Function C4h "Programmable Option Select"
INT 15h Function C5h "ROM BIOS Tracing Callout"
INT 15h Function C6h "Get POS Data"
INT 15h Function C7h "Return Memory-Map Information"
INT 15h Function C8h "Enable/Disable Processor Functions"
INT 15h Function C9h "Get CPU Type and Mask Revision"
INT 15h Function CAh "Disable/Enable 4KB Page E0000h decoding"
INT 15h Function CBh "95/500/720 Info Panel"
INT 15h Function CCh "CMOS Get/Set"
INT 15h Function CDh "Query No. of Serial Ports/ASCII Console Status"
INT 15h Function CEh "Allocate DMA Arbitration Level"
INT 15h Function CFh "Deallocate DMA Arbitration Level"
INT 15h Function D0h "Reserved"
INT 15h Function D1h Device Descriptor Table (DDT) Functions
Subfunction 00 "Get Number of DDT Entries"
Subfunction 01 "Return DDT Entry by Number"
Subfunction 02 "Return DDT by I/O Address"
Subfunction 03 "Return Entire DDT"
Subfunction 04 "Return Device Descriptor Table Entry by Device ID"
INT 15h Function D2h "Reserved"
INT 15h Function D3h "Reserved"
INT 15h Function D4h "Get Physical Fixed Disk Drive Number [SelectableBoot]"
INT 15h Function D5h "Reserved"
INT 15h Function D600h Boot Device ID Functions
Subfunction 00h "Read Boot Device ID"
Subfunction 01h "Write Boot Device ID"
INT 15h Function D601h Boot Device Key Functions
Subfunction 00h "Read Boot Device Key"
Subfunction 01h "Write Boot Device Key"
INT 15h Function D602h "Query Boot Reference Partition"